Archaeology and the City Preserving enhancing interpreting


archaelogy-cityE' in programma il 7 Novembre 2014 a partire dalle ore 9.30, presso il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Roma (P.le Aldo Moro 7, Aula Marconi) il Convegno Internazionale Archaeology and the City. Preserving enhancing interpreting.

L’evento si svolgerà in concomitanza con la firma dell’Accordo Bilaterale e del Programma di Cooperazione fra il CNR e la Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage e vedrà la partecipazione di studiosi cinesi e italiani, appartenenti agli Enti firmatari dell’Accordo.



Welcome speech
Heleni Porfyriou
CNR - Institute for the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage
Opening speech
Luigi Nicolais – President, National Research Council of Italy
Liu Shuguang – Director, Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage - CACH
Signature of the Bilateral Agreement and Cooperative Programme
Coffee break
Maria Perla Colombini
CNR – Director, Institute for the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage
Heritage Interpretation in Urbanizing China: the Case Study of
Sui & Tang Luoyang City Site
Yu Bing
CACH -Institute of Cultural Heritage Studies
Inheritance and Innovation for Gilding Craft on Light Brown Lacquer
Zhan Changfa
CACH - Center of Restoration and Training
Types of Heritage and Conservation Measures for a World Heritage Site – the
Ancient Building Complex in the Wudang Mountains
Cui Ming
CACH – Institute for Heritage Conservation and Planning
A Survey of Public Perception and Opinion of Large-scale Archaeological Sites
Yan Haiming
CACH -Institute of Cultural Heritage Studies

Riccardo Pozzo
CNR – Director, Human and Social Sciences, Cultural Heritage Department
Material and Urban Conservation. An integrated approach
Heleni Porfyriou - Marco Realini
CNR - Institute for the Conservation and Valorization of Cultural Heritage
Sustainable Conservation and Urban Regeneration of Built Heritage
Elena Gigliarelli
CNR – Institute for Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage
Remote Sensing the Past
Nicola Masini
CNR - Institute of Archaeological and Monumental Heritage
Ancient Towns and Digital Environments: Some Case Studies in Central Italy
and Etruria
Paola Moscati
CNR - Institute for Ancient Mediterranean Studies
European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science
Luca Pezzati
CNR - National Institute of Optics
Stefano De Caro
Director, International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of
Cultural Property - ICCROM
Coffee break




Fonte: ICVBC



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