3D ARCH 2017 - 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures

3D ARCH 2017 - 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures

3D-ARCH è una serie di  workshop internazionale iniziati nel 2005 a Venizia e poi mossi in diverse località durante gli anni da Zurigo (2007), Trento (2009, 2011, 2013) e Avila (2015), organizzato come un evento congiunto tra ISPRS e CIPA.

Nel 2017 il Convegno giunge alla settima edizione e si svolgerà dal 1 al 3 marzo a Nauplia in Grecia. Scopo principale dell'evento è discutere le fasi e i processi per una ricostruazione e modellazione 3D intelligente, l'accesso e la comprensione degli ambienti digitali per diverse fonti di dati.

I temi includono:
- Multi-source data and multi-sensors approaches
- Low-cost sensors and open-source algorithms for terrestrial 3D modeling
- Automation in data registration
- Image matching and 3D reconstruction
- Point cloud analysis
- 4D modelling
- Procedural modeling
- Accuracy requirement and assessment in 3D reconstructions
- 3D applications in terrestrial and underwater environments
- Virtual and Augmented Reality applied to the visualization and conservation of complex architectures and heritage

La scadenza per presentare abastract è il 20 Novembre 2016.
Gli abstract dovranno essere di almeno 1000 parole, possibilmente con immagini e dovranno essere inviati come file PDF (first-author-name_etal.pdf) via email a Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..

Sito web: www.3d-arch.org


English version

7th International Workshop 3D ARCH - 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures
March, 1 - 3, 2017 Nafplio, Greece


3D-ARCH is a series of international workshops which started in 2005 in Venice and move throughout the years to Zurich (2007), Trento (2009, 2011, 2013) and Avila (2015), organized as an ISPRS and CIPA event.

The main focus of the workshop is to discuss steps and processes for smart 3D reconstruction, modelling, accessing and understanding of digital environments from multiple data sources. Topics include:

- Multi-source data and multi-sensors approaches
- Low-cost sensors and open-source algorithms for terrestrial 3D modeling
- Automation in data registration
- Image matching and 3D reconstruction
- Point cloud analysis
- 4D modelling
- Procedural modeling
- Accuracy requirement and assessment in 3D reconstructions
- 3D applications in terrestrial and underwater environments
- Virtual and Augmented Reality applied to the visualization and conservation of complex architectures and heritage


Abstract Submission     20 November 2016
Notification to Authors 20 December 2016
Full Paper Submission     22 January 2017



The abstract should be at least 1000 words, possibly with figures, and should be sent as PDF file (first-author-name_etal.pdf) via email to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..


Website: www.3d-arch.org

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