Rome: Urban Mobility of the 18th century

Rome: Urban Mobility of the 18th century

In Archeofoss 2020, Domizia D’Erasmo and Renata Ago presented a description of a methodology capable of analysing urban mobility in 18th century Rome, a period of great change, using opensource GIS platform (abstract in

The project in its entirety highlights the potential for analysing topographical data obtained from the study of textual sources and comparing them with those present in historical cartography thanks to the use of the FLOS GIS platform.

This research focuses on 18th-century pathways inside and around Rome´s city walls in the 18th century. They worked with different types of data such as Giovanbattista Nolli’s city map and from a collection of published booklets and topographical information.

All the data collected was then vectorised in QGIS and then processed using spatial analysis with the aim of detecting the main routes of urban movement.

At the end, the results showed that many of the 18th-century roads made by initiatives of important authorities, especially the popes, were rarely used even in the context of codified pathways such as processions.

This new approach made it possible to query the data in order to extract information that can lead to an improved understanding of the uses of an ancient urban layout of this city.

Soon there will be more news about ARCHEOFOSS 2021:
It’s possible to review this presentation on youtube:

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