In Archeofoss 2020, Alessandra Caravale, Alessandra Piergrossi and Irene Rossi presented (abstract in their reflection on Open Science, understood as participatory science, and the important role assumed by Archeologia e Calcolatori (A&C).
Open Science supports innovation in knowledge, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage. Scientific data sharing is one of the missions of the Institute of Cultural Heritage Sciences (, a newly formed hub, which has collected the multiannual legacy of research dedicated to archaeological informatics.
Scientific journals are the most appropriate place for publication of research results and promoting the good practice of open philosophy: Archeologia e Calcolatori (A&C) is one of these.
This magazine has now taken on the role as an Interdisciplinary team of archaeologists, philologists, mathematicians and computer scientists, but also the monitoring and study of management and processing of information technologies to encourage the use of open data collections in the digital environment.
The value of the magazine has also been the interoperability guaranteed by compliance with international standards for the creation of metadata and their exposure, which has contributed greatly to the dissemination of digital cultural content.
It’s possible to review this presentation on youtube:
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For Archeofoss
M. Serpetti
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