Virtual Reality and 3D technology in Archaeological and Cultural Heritage material Science. This is the workshop realized by the ED-ARCHMAT, The European Joint Doctorate in Archaeological and Cultural Heritage MATerials Science, a EU funded Marie Sklodowska Curie Action Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) under the HORIZON 2020 Program whose goal is to provide future leading professionals with the interdisciplinary and intersectoral knowledge, skills and competences needed to address the challenges faced in the analysis, valorization, conservation and fruition for future generations of Cultural Heritage.
The workshop is realized in a 3 days hybrid session.
The day of 14th of December will only be running in presence (hands-on sessions), + a little one on wednesday morning (see program).
For this session, it is suggested that people have previously uploaded free softwares such as :
- Meshlab (point cloud and mesh operations)
- Cloud Compare (point cloud and mesh operations)
- Blender (3D modelling, rendering, etc...)
- Meshroom (photogrammetry)
Two social events offered :
- wine tasting on the 14th at 6.30 PM (local time) : "La cave à part"
- closing diner : 7.30 PM at Restaurant "Café maritime" downtown city of Bordeaux.
where attending people + Archeovision staff (speakers) will join.
Detailed program:
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-MSCA- ITN-2017- EJD: Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (European Joint Doctorate) – Grant agreement nº: 766311 – ED-ARCHMAT.
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